CSS Animation

1. Animation

1.1 Advantage

  1. They’re easy to use for simple animation.
  2. The animation run well, even under moderate system load.
  3. Browser will optimize performance and efficiency.

1.2 Configuring the animation

1.2.1 Properties:

name value range description
animation-delay <time>,e.g:2s Specifies when the animation start.The value is the offset time from the time at which the animation is applied to the element.
animation-direction normal;reverse;alternate;alternate-reverse Indicates whether the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles.
animation-duration <time>,eg:3s Configures the length of time that an animation should take to complish one cycle.
animation-iterate-count <number>,e.g:2,or infinite Configures the number of times an animation should repeat.
animation-name name of @keyframes Specifies the name of the @keyframes at-rule descripting the animation’s keyframes.
animation-play-state runing;pause Lets you pause and resume the animation sequence.
animation-timing-function ease,ease-in,ease-out,ease-in-out,linear,step-start,step-end,cubic-bezier,steps.click here for more detail ,tool for cubic-bezier Configures the timing of the animation
animation-fill-mode none,forwards,backwards,both Configures what values are applied by the animation before and after it is executing.

1.2.2 Keyframes

p {
  animation-name: slidein;
  animation-duration: 3s;
@keyframes {
  from {
    margin-left: 100%;
    width: 300%;
  75% {
    width: 200%;
  to {
    margin-left: 0%;
    width: 100%;

1.2.3 Using animation shorthand

Rule:The first value that can be parsed as a <time> is assigned to animation-duration, and the second one is assigned to animation-delay.animation-name can be distinguished from other properties.

// duration | timing-function | delay | interation-count | direction | fill-mode | play-state | name
animation: 3s ease-in 1s 2 reverse both paused sliedin;
// duration | timing-function | delay | name
animation: 3s ease-in 2s sliedin;
// duration | name
animation: 3s sliedin;

1.2.4 Setting multiple animation property values

The CSS animation longhand values can accept multiple values,separated by commas.

animation-name: fadeInOut, moveLeft300px, bounce;
animation-duration: 3s, 2s;

1.2.5 Using animation events

  • animationstart
  • animationend
  • animationiteration

    2. Run animation again



    <p class="data ani">this data has animation</p>
    <button onclick=play()>play</button>


    .ani {
      animation-name: slidein;
      animation-duration: 2s;
      animation-iterate-count: 2;
    @keyframes slidein {
      from {
          margin-left: 100%;
          width: 300%;
      to {
        margin-left: 0%;
        width: 100%;


    function play(){
      document.querySelector(".data").className = "data";
          document.querySelector(".data").className = "data ani";


  1. Animaiton basic.
  2. single-transition-timing-function–Cubic bezier.
  3. Animation tips.